The world is moving faster and the demands on you as a Manager are unrelenting.
Faster growth calls for you to look after yourself and energise your team. Take the 100-day Challenge. Take heart and take inspiration.
Inspire more leaders without title Outside of work employees show acts of leadership in every aspect of their lives. Yet when they come to work they hesitate. The solution: Mojo100 allows employees to track their personal motivation every 100 days. Followed by 100 days of daily video clips on how to ‘lead without title’.
Teach managers how to coach: employees want to be led more than managed. They expect feedback, coaching and on-going development. It’s the key to engagement and retaining your best people. The solution: every 100 days Managers get data on how motivated their team are. Followed by daily tips and hints on how to inspire high performance.
Design learning moments into every meeting: too many business meetings leave people feeling ‘cold’, bored, uninspired. Reporting matters – but it’s not the only game in town. The solution: we equip managers with the tools to bring learning workouts into every meeting. Simple, repeatable tools to elevate performance.
Build management teams who pull together not push apart: dysfunctional management teams impact everyone below them. Mediocrity creeps in. The blame game escalates. The solution: trust and collaboration spring to life when you build peer-to- peer coaching into your ways of working. We give you the tools and means to do so.
Inspire Managers to be Talent Champions: too much of what passes for talent management is about fitting people on a 9-box matrix. It’s too slow and passive a process. The solution: we equip your leaders with the tools and skills to super-charge talent development – in real-time.
Use ‘Mojo Leaders’ to start a leadership movement. Let it do the heavy-duty lifting for you. It’s a powerful team building activity. .
Juggling too many competing priorities. Yet setting aside as little as 15 minutes a day could have a huge payback for you. Use the daily leadership clips to inspire your team. You can’t deliver outstanding results without a motivated team.
We’d encourage you to book out 15 minutes a day for yourself. Time to think, reflect and clear your head. Take from the 100 day challenge. In addition, book out 30 minutes or more a month for each team member. Show an interest in their progress. What are they learning? How are they better today than yesterday?
As they say on an aeroplane – “place your own oxygen mask before helping others”. Your leader journey is to elevate yourself and your team – both matter.
Check-in with colleagues: do they have a buddy and what are the learning from the ‘mojo clips’? Book-in regular 30-minute coaching conversations with team members. Sign-up yourself and your team to the 100-day challenge